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That was extremely interesting and worrying in equal measure. Personally my conscience means I can't vote for Labour.

None of it surprising and all the unpleasant people like John Mann and many others, are back again. I am a Quaker and I cannot vote for anyone, who is in a Party with some Friends of Israel. Im truly disgusted with Starmer, whipping the Party to vote against a ceasefire. Only about 50+ voted for the ceasefire. He claims to be a human rights lawyer but is actually on Israel's side in this one sided war. It isn't the war in Gaza, its the war on Gaza. It is also a genocide. I feel like I must not stop being with these poor suffering people. We just have to hold them to account. We have to, or this will destroy these long suffering people.

The occupation and settlements are illegal and must be dismantled and the Palestinians must be free, and get equal human rights to other human beings.

Labour are morally bankrupt and haven't got the definition of Official Opposition quite right! They are the tory party and the tories are supporting a fascist Israeli government and mass punishment by starvation, bombs, bullets, dehydration, disease. A thirteen year old boy died of starvation yesterday. It's horrific, as are our complicit government and our Official Opportunists. We have to get them all to the ICC along with the Israelis.

The security council Veto has to go. It is a licence to commit genocide.

The UN is a dysfunctional body who's remit is to attempt to stop and prevent genocides.

I am voting TUSC- Trades Union and Socialist Coalition because they have moral fibre.

Aljazeera remains on 24hours a day.

I shall stay with them until there is a shift and aid gets in.

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